After two and half month in Jakarta, now, I've to moving again next month to Palembang,,
a new city, never been there.
I've to adapt again and I think it's a quite bit hard, cause, in this two month i don't even adapt with the condition in Jakarta, and now, my lovely company make me to adapt with new city.
it's hard for me...
my mind still reject, my body can't receive it..
in this big city, our capital city, i can't easily get used to with the atmosphere,, in which that a lot of people desire to come to this city, but not me,, i don't really like Jakarta,,
I'm stuck here,
I don't know, I just don't like Jakarta,,
And now, here it comes, Palembang,,
I don't have anyone there..
But I've got to go there,,
I have to face it,,
This is only a little burden
God will not let His child suffering, He knows what we need, even though we don't like it.
Now I must think that, I've got to go to Palembang, cause I've got to be there, there must be something there, that will make me a better man, will make me more appreciate my life and everything I had,,
So, what are you afraid of???
It's not forever, just a couple months in your life, so enjoy it..
Gambatte ne!!!
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