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waiting is one of the most disgusting things to do. hehehehe... no defense..
i don't like to waiting..

but waiting will shape us. it will give us time to think.
by waiting you will grown up. you will appreciate something. if you always got what you want immediately without any sacrifice, any effort, any tears you won't appreciate what you've got. you will take it for granted.

but if you want something, and you have to give your best effort to take it, you have to sacrifice your time, your money, even your mind and even so, you still need to wait for that thing for a long long time -- i know this is suck -- but im sure, when finally you reach what you want the feeling is awesome, it's like a miracle.  I'm telling because I've already felt it.

do you realize when you have to push down your ego, trying to be more patient , actually this condition shapes us to be more beautiful. we have to conquer everything that block us, we can't surrender now. it's a process that we have to live with so we can be  a more perfect human.

i know, it's not easy to accept this condition --to sacrifice your time, your money, your mind, push down your ego-- but we have to! if we want to be a winner we have to endure all of that.. believe me, like i've told you before, i already done with this thing. ya i know, when i was on this painful process, i always complaining. i, even blame others, but when i finally got what i want, it feels like i can touch heaven (hehehe,, exaggerate). but it's for true, it's more satisfying when i finally get what i want after i work hard to get it rather than when i got something easily.

and finally, yeah finally my longest waiting has a very sweet result.
thanks God, to allow me doing this process, at least i can reduce my ego. thanks for allow me to be a better person. thanks for everything that you gave to me.


If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

Some of you might be familiar with this lyric. Yes, the lyric is taken from R. Kelly’s song I Believe I Can Fly. What do you think about the lyric?? Do you believe you can fly?? Or do you only another pessimist??

Well, apart from the lyrics, I love this song. This song can calm and comfort me. It is beautiful song indeed. I love the way R. Kelly sang this song and he has an amazing voice. And then I search on internet to find the lyric of this song and I found it. And then, I read the lyrics and I think the meaning of this song is far beyond the song itself.

This song convinces us to believe and to gain what we believe, and as long as we believe we can achieve it. This song tells us the power of believe, faith, motivation, hope or whatever you call it.

Believe. It’s just a simple word. But it takes a lot of effort to do it. Because how can you believing in something that you don’t even know that it’s for real, you don’t even sure that you can grab it in your hand, but you have to believe that you will.

Just like the lyric of the song above if I can see it, then I can do it. Here, the meaning of if I can see it is not seeing the real thing, but seeing in our mind, we can imagine and dream it. A lot of successful people in this world begin their journey from their dreams. A couple decades ago, we thought that human cannot fly ever, human do not have wings. Only birds fly. But in fact, nowadays human fly – using airplane of course – but, still we can be in the air. And this entire thing happened because the creators of airplane believe that one day he can fly and he brought his dream in to reality. That is just one of example. Of course, you have your own experience related to this believe.

Believing or hoping to something is a must. If we do not believe that we can do something like our work, then we can’t do it. Actually, we still believing, but we believe in failure. We believe in negative point and that is what will happen to our life. FAILURE.

When I was on college, I always want to get a perfect score, and I think all of us do want the same thing. The measurement of your score is GPA for each semester. When I was on my third semester, I really desire that I can get 3,72 GPA, the reason because I want to have the same GPA like my sister. Maybe it’s not a good reason, but whatever the reason is, as long as you don’t damage others, I think it won’t be a matter. Back to this believe kind of thing. I want to have 3,72 GPA, I believe that I can get it, I can see myself having this 3,72 GPA and I work for it. The final result, just like I want, I got 3,72 GPA.
What I want try to say is, we have to believe that we can, we have to believe that we will have it and we have to put our best effort to get it. Remember! We have to work it out! Because, just by believing without any real action to grab what we believe, it is impossible to get what we want.

Some of you will say: ahh the important thing is effort, what is the use of believing, we don’t need any target to achieve, all we have to do just do our best, we will get the best for sure. Well those statements weren’t wrong at all, but if you don’t have faith about something that you really desire, and then for what you work?? For something that doesn’t exist??
You need to believe in one thing, just like my case, I want 3,72 GPA, I believe it, I try to have it and I have it. Believing makes us more focus in pursuing our desire.

Hope is also one of the most important things, to live without hope is just the same like a living human corpse. Nothing to be hoped, nothing can make us believe that we will achieve our goal. So, what do we live for??

Believe that you will achieve something, no matter what it is; it can be money, stuff, job, achievement or anything, believe that you will have it, you will grab it in your hand, imagine that you are in that condition, working hard to get it and you will have it. Supposing that you didn’t get what you want, I believe that what you get now is not far away from what you’ve been desire before, because you’ve had give your best effort to get what you want, you’ve been focus to your desire, so it won’t miss that far.

Well at least it’s better to believe or have hoped, because by doing so you will have something to hang on to.


I’ve had read this book a few years ago. The title of this book is Why Forgive by Johann Christoph Arnold.  The content of this book really touches me. Actually I want to share my opinion about this book a long time ago, but yeah, I don’t have time, well, not really have no time, but I am a lil’ bit lazy to write. So now, I think this is just the right time to write it down.
This book consists of stories about people who struggle to forgive another who has hurt them badly. I think what these people have done – forgiving – is really really a wonderful thing, because I myself find it difficult to forgive someone who hurt me. I rather choose to revenge than forgive. I think it’s normal. We are not an angel, we always response to people in the same way they have did to us, if they are good to us, we will be good to them, and vice versa, if they are did something bad to us, and then we will revenge them, and sometimes we revenge them more worst than they have done to us. In my opinion, that is humanity. Hehehehe,, that’s my opinion, you can have other opinion.
Well, after read this book, I rethink again about revenge someone. It’s hard to forgive. I don’t want to make excuses for myself by saying that I am a human who have feeling, and I don’t want to be hurt and I am not an angel. But, usually I use those excuses when I found it’s difficult to forgive someone. Arghhhh, I know, I know, I’m being inconsistent, but at least I am trying to forgive, although I failed more often.
Okay, now we’re back to this book. I will write done one story about forgiving.
Believe in Miracles
Gordon Wilson held his daughter’s hand as they lay trapped beneath a mountain of rubble. It was 1987, and he and Marie had been attending a peaceful memorial service in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, when a terrorist bomb went off. By the end of the day Marie and nine other civilians were dead, and sixty-three had been hospitalized for injuries.
Amazingly, Gordon refused to retaliate, saying that angry words could neither restore his daughter nor bring peace to Belfast. Only hours after the bombing, he told BBC reporters:
I have lost my daughter, and we shall miss her. But I bear no ill will. I bear no grudge… That will not bring her back...Don’t ask me, please, for a purpose…I don’t have an answer. But I know there has to be a plan. If I didn’t think of that, I would commit suicide. It’s part of a greater plan…and we shall meet again.
Later, Gordon said that his words were not intended as a theological response to his daughter’s murderer. He had simply blurted them out from the depth of his heart. In the days and weeks that followed the bombing, he struggled to live up to his words. It wasn’t easy, but they were something to hang on to, something to keep him afloat in the dark hours when grief overwhelmed him.
He knew that the terrorists who took his daughter’s life were anything but remorseful, and he maintained that they should be punished and imprisoned. Even so, he refused to seek revenge.
Those who have to account for this deed will have to face a judgement of God, which is way beyond my forgiveness…It would be wrong for me to give any impression that gunmen and bombers should be allowed to walk the streets freely. But…whether or not they are judged here on earth by a court of law…I do my very best in human terms to show forgiveness…The last word rests with God.
Gordon was misunderstood and ridiculed by many because of his stand, but he says that without having made a decision to forgive, he never could have accepted the fact that his daughter was never coming back. Nor could be have found the freedom to move on. Forgiving also had a positive effect that reached beyond his personal life. At least temporarily, his words broke the cycle of killing and revenge; the local Protestant paramilitary leadership felt so convicted by his courage that they did not retaliate.

Can you imagine that?? How could a father forgive the person who killed his daughter?? Maybe we will think that he is not even a father, how could he do that to his daughter? Why doesn’t he take revenge in the name of his daughter??  I feel Gordon is the stupid father. He has no courage to revenge. Arggghhhh.. It’s killing me to see the path that Gordon takes.
It’s hard for me to accept the way that Gordon choose which is to forgive his daughter’s murderer.  But, actually what Gordon has done is just such an amazing thing. Not everyone can forgive the way Gordon had done.  It takes a lot of courage to forgive, really a lot of courage that not everyone has it in their life.  And Gordon is not stupid; he is the wisest father actually, because he can think clearly in that condition.
 I know that forgiving will help us to move on. I know that but I just can’t apply it in my life, not now, I guess, but the more hatred I felt, the worst feeling I got. I can’t move on. It tortures me-the feeling of hatred- but I and most of people in the world choose to live up our hatred in ourselves.
Sometimes I think that, there are no useful to hate someone or to revenge someone. Maybe we will satisfy when we succeed to revenge them, and then what??? Did we get any advantage?? NO!!! Even in my experience, after revenge someone I feel regret. I feel like, oh my God, how can I do that to him/her??  And do you think if you feel sorry of what you have done to someone, it will end the hatred?? What if that the person you have revenge can’t accept what you have to them and want to revenge you back?? And he/she did. They revenge you back. What will you do then?? Revenge them back?? It will not stop. It’s just like a vicious circle. You did something bad to me and I will revenge you, and then you revenge me back, and so. Well if that’s happen in your live, I can tell you this: you will not move on, you will stick in where you were now, no peace in your life. Only hate. And that’s not good. It will torture you. You even get mad, sick and never feel happy in your life. Of course you don’t want that happen in your life. We want to be happy, everyone does. And I think one thing to be happy is to forgive. I know it’s hard, but it’s worth. Let us try our best to forgive. First try to forgive ourselves. I think if we can forgive, this world will be a better place to live.

How should you forgive and why?  I can’t tell you. It’s probably the hardest thing you’ll ever attempt to do. But I can tell you what I’ve seen and experience personally; once you are able to let go of wrongs that have been done to you, it changes everything. It will change your relationships, your attitudes, and your emotional make-up – your whole approach to living. It will give you a better life. Plus you’ll find that when you forgive, you’re always a winner. You don’t lose a thing. Because it’s not a sign of weakness to love somebody who hurts you. It’s a sign of strength. –Steven D. McDonald, the foreword in Why Forgive–
Forgiveness is a door to peace and happiness. It is a small, narrow door, and cannot be entered without stooping. It is also hard to find. But no matter how long the search, it can be found – Why Forgive—


Penemu biasanya mendaftarkan paten sebagai perlindungan terhadap ide mereka.
Paten ialah dokumen sah yang melarang orang lain menjiplak atau menggunakan ide penemu.

Kata 'paten' berasal dari bahasa Latin, litterae patente, yang berarti 'surat terbuka'.

  • Roda pertama kali dibuat dari kayu atau batu, ditemukan oleh orang-orang Mesopotamia lebih dari 5000 tahun yang lalu. 
  • Mesin cuci pertama terbuat dari kotak kayu dengan pegangan yang diputar dengan tangan.
  • Sebelum alat penghisap debu ditemukan, permadani harus dipukul untuk menghilangkan debu.
  • Alat penghisap debu pertama sangat besar dan membutuhkan beberapa orang untuk menjalankannya.
  • Orang Mesir kuno menggunakan pipa untuk menguji kelurusan pilar bangunan.
  • Semen ditemukan di Roma kuno.
  • Sekitar 500.000 juta batu bata dibuat di dunia per tahun.
  • Orang-orang Romawi kuno adalah yang pertama kali menggunakan pemanas di bawah lantai.
  • Dipatenkan pada tahun 1855, korek api yang aman ini hanya menyala jika digoreskan pada permukaan khusus.
  • Seorang London, Sigismund Leoni, membuat pemanas gas modern pertama kali pada tahun 1881.
  • Termostat ditambahkan pada setrika listrik pada tahun 1930-an untuk menyetrika bahan sintetik.
  • Isaac Singer menemukan sistem sewa untuk meningkatkan penjualan mesin jahitnya.
  • Selama Perang Dunia ke 1, Booth menggunakan alat penghisap debu kepunyaannya untuk memberantas kuman penyakit demam kuning di rumah sakit.


Berawal dari sekedar nyari-nyari kata-kata motivasi, ehh akhirnya saya menemukan satu pernyataan yang membandingkan antara ibu kandung dengan ibu tiri. awalnya saya tidak terlalu tertarik, soalnya menurut saya bagaimanapun juga ibu kandung tetap yang terbaik. tetapi setelah membaca "Legacy of an adopted child" pemikiran saya agak berubah. Saat membaca pernyataan ini, saya merasa  terharu.  Soalnya saya, yang notabene seorang anak yang hidup dengan ibu kandungnya, tentu tidak terlalu mengetahui tentang perasaan seorang anak yang diadopsi, tapi "Legacy of an adopted child " ini mungkin dapat menjadi renungan bagi teman-teman yang mungkin merupakan anak adopsi.
jadi silahkan membaca "Legacy of an Adopted Child" dibawah ini. 
Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women, who never knew each other. One you do not remember, the other you call Mother. Two different lives, shaped to make you one. One became your guiding star; the other became your sun.
The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it. The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it. One gave you a nationality; the other gave you a name. One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim.
One gave you emotions; the other calmed your fears. One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears. One sought for you a home, which she could not provide. The other prayed for a child, and her hope was not denied.
And now you ask me through your tears, the age old question unanswered through the years. Heredity or environment, which are you a product of? Neither my Darling, neither. Just two different kinds of love.
Author unknown 

seperti yang telah saya sebutkan di atas, bahwa saya memang bukan anak adopsi, tetapi saya hanya ingin memberikan pendapat saya mengenai hal adopsi ini.
memang bukan hal yang mudah untuk menerima kenyataan kalau kita "dijual" oleh ibu kandung kita, tetapi sebelum kita menyalahkan ibu kandung kita, mungkin ada baiknya jika kita mencoba untuk memahami alasan ibu kandung kita "menjual" kita.  mungkin menurut ibu kandung kita, hidup kita akan jauh lebih baik jika kita diadopsi oleh orang lain yang mungkin memiliki kondisi perekonomian yang lebih baik. memang kedengarannya egois, tetapi coba Anda pikirkan juga perasaan ibu anda saat "menjual" anda. saya yakin, kalau perasaan Sang Ibu sangat hancur karena harus berpisah dengan anak yang sudah dikandungnya selama kurang lebih 9 bulan, belum lagi perjuangan hidup mati yang harus dilaluinya hanya untuk melahirkan kita. jadi, mungkin alasan di atas hanya satu alasan dari berbagai alasan yang mungkin dimiliki oleh Sang Ibu, jadi janganlah benci kepada Ibu Anda yang telah menjual Anda.

Sekarang kita tinjau dari sisi ibu yang mengadopsi Anda. Saya yakin bahwa kebanyakan anak yang diadopsi, pada saat mereka mengetahui kebenaran bahwa mereka itu diadopsi (baik diberitahu secara langsung oleh keluarga yang mengadopsi atau mendengar dari orang lain), pasti mereka akan sangat terkejut dan memberontak. mereka tidak bisa terima dengan keadaan ini. bahkan mereka menyalahkan ibu yang telah mengadopsi mereka karena dianggap telah memisahkan dirinya dari ibu kandungnya. menurut saya reaksi tersebut adalah wajar, karena jika saya pun berada pada posisi sang anak, saya pun pasti akan terkejut, marah, sedih, kecewa dan tentu saja saya akan menuntut kepada keluarga saya untuk mempertemukan saya dengan ibu kandung saya. tetapi seperti yang dituliskan dalam "Legacy of an adopted child" bahwa ibu yang telah merawat kita telah memberikan segalanya kepada kita. seharusnya kita lebih bisa menguasai emosi kita. jangan terlalu menyalahkan ibu yang mengadopsi kita. karena mungkin saja, ibu yang mengadopsi kita tidak tahu-menahu soal keberadaan ibu kandung kita, karena mungkin kita "dibeli" dari rumah sakit dan pihak rumah sakit tidak memberitahukan siapa ibu kandung kita kepada ibu yang mengadopsi kita. mungkin bagi teman-teman yang diadopsi, hal ini bisa dijadikan bahan renungan untuk lebih mampu untuk menghargai "keluarga baru" kita.

 Sekali lagi tulisan ini hanya merupakan pendapat saya saja. tidak ada maksud untuk mengajari anak-anak yang diadopsi, karena jujur saja, saya juga tidak tahu bagaimana rasanya diadopsi. jika ada teman-teman yang kurang berkenan dengan tulisan saya, saya minta maaf. saya hanya ingin berbagi mengenai tulisan "Legacy of an adopted child" karena tulisan ini sangat menyentuh buat saya.


Saya lagi coba-coba belajar bahasa Jepang, soalnya saya termasuk penggemar "manga"(kartun jepang) dan dorama Jepang. Saya suka mendengar para pengisi suara maupun artis Jepang berdialog. Menurut saya cara mereka berbicara keren. Ternyata setelah dipelajari bahasa Jepang tidak terlalu rumit, malah menurut saya bahasa Inggris jauh lebih susah (ini menurut saya loh), meskipun saya belum terlalu mahir berbahasa Jepang (soalnya baru belajar seminggu) tapi saya yakin jika teman-teman ikut belajar bahasa Jepang , saya rasa teman-teman akan setuju dengan pendapat saya kalau bahasa Jepang lumayan mudah. Namun, tetap ada kendala bagi kita untuk mempelajari bahasa Jepang, apalagi kalau bukan hurufnya. Di buku yang saya gunakan memang terdapat huruh hiragana dan katagana, hanya saja, bagi saya yang notabene orang Indonesia asli, yang sejak TK hanya mengenal Huruf Latin, jujur saja, saya cukup kelabakan melihat huruf-huruf hiragana dan katagana ini. Sampai sekarang pun saya belum mengerti penggunaan huruf ini (kenapa saya lebih memilih menggunakan kata belum daripada kata tidak?? Tak lain tak bukan karena saya punya harapan kalau suatu saat nanti saya pasti bisa menguasai huruf tersebut, mari kita semua berdoa supaya kelak  suatu saat nanti saya bisa mengerti huruf-huruf tersebut, aminnn). Tapi, teman-teman jangan khawatir, di buku yang saya anjurkan ini, terdapat huruf Romaji (huruf Latin) jadi teman-teman tetap bisa mempelajari bahasa Jepang, minimal untuk percakapan sehari-hari lah, kalau kita ke Jepang nantinya, atau untuk bicara dengan wisatawan Jepang yang nyasar ke kampung kita. Hihihihihi..

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